Here you will find information about performance and health measurements as well as tips about athlete horse health monitoring, telemedicine cases and equine well-being.
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EQUIMETRE VET, a second scientific validation
EQUIMETRE is scientifically validated for ECG and arrhythmia detection, two years after being validated for heart rate.
PR. Henry CHATEAU – Research & Training – EQUISYM
In this interview, Professor Henry CHATEAU explains how EQUISYM is used for veterinary training and clinical research.
6 reasons why you should use a locomotion quantification tool
Discover the six reasons why using a locomotion quantification tool adds real value to the daily work of an equine veterinarian.
Longitudinal monitoring of the athletic horse’s locomotion
Longitudinal monitoring of the horse is a significant challenge for the management of locomotor diseases, their study and, their prevention.
Lameness diagnosis : physical examination
Lameness is a common health problem in horses. It is through clinical examination that veterinarians can evaluate and grade it.
How can veterinarians offer new services thanks to EQUIMETRE VET?
Find out how the veterinarians can offer new services to their clients using health and performance monitoring with EQUIMETRE.
How to quantify asymmetry and lameness with EQUISYM ?
Discover how EQUISYM helps the veterinarian diagnose lameness by objectively quantifying locomotor asymmetry.
Why and how do veterinarians use EQUIMETRE ?
Claudine Anen, veterinary dentist and surgeon, shared with us her experience with EQUIMETRE VET. Discover her interview.
Electrocardiograms: working with ECG at full speed
What are the reasons for using electrocardiograms and how does EQUIMETRE revolutionize the way they are collected?