Equimetre Vet has been designed to meet the daily needs of veterinarians. Exercising ECG, data analysis, detection of potential cardiac pathologies, monitoring during exercise and rest. Equimetre Vet will support you throughout your project.
Detect arrhythmias
These abnormal changes in heart rate can endanger athletic horses, especially when they occur during very intense effort. EQUIMETRE VET will assist you in the detection of arrhythmias by collecting the ECG for each training session.

Analyse heart rate variability
EQUIMETRE VET is scientifically validated for the measurement of cardiac variability and is therefore a reliable tool to monitor the athletic horse’s health. By measuring the level of stress or relaxation of the horse, it allows the detection of a pathology or the identification of an over-trained horse.
If I diagnose a heart condition on a racehorse, it is important to me for the management of its career and the safety of its rider to follow how it evolves with its condition. Today, depending on the heart problem diagnosed, we can decide to see a horse again within 6 months. But if I have a sensor that I can put on this horse in training during these 6 months, I can objectively evaluate if his physical condition is evolving well. On the contrary, I can see if a different treatment or training needs to be put in place. This allows us to be really more precise and reactive in our interventions.
Supporting a diagnosis with speed, locomotion and cardio data
Having a tool that can measure cardiac parameters (heart rate, recovery, ECG, cardiac variability), locomotion (stride frequency and stride length) and GPS (speed, distance, altimetry) at the same time enables the necessary data to be gathered for the detection of warning signs. The data is centralised on a single platform, facilitating its analysis.

Analyse under-performance
Daily monitoring of the cardiac and locomotion data allows to identify the usual parameters specific to each horse. If they reach an abnormal level, it is possible to investigate the problem before it becomes primary. If a horse is monitored daily by EQUIMETRE before an underperformance, the data collected provides a history that can be used as a starting point for investigation.
Equimetre is the only system that can be put on all kind of sports horses to evaluate their performance, monitor the heart rate, and systematically collect the ECG even at full speed. The great advantage is that you can let trainers and riders train normally, even without the presence of a vet, and still have their ECG to analyse remotely.
Monitoring horses remotely
By having access to the training data, it is possible to consult remotely and judge whether it is necessary to come to the stable. EQUIMETRE enables the globalisation of skills and the sharing of data thanks to its linked account functionality. A veterinarian located in Belgium will be able to detect an arrhythmia on a horse training in Australia, from his practice.

Research projects: building 360-degree databases (speed, locomotion, cardio)
EQUIMETRE VET offers tailored solution to each research project through the customisation of the interface and the measured parameters. The extraction of raw data (GPS data, accelerometer data and cardiac raw data) provides numerous possibilities of analysis in equine research. The ease of use of the sensor makes it possible to collect data autonomously and therefore a larger mass of data.

Contact us for any information request concerning our products and offers EQUIMETRE. A member of our team will contact you as soon as possible.