Cutting-edge tools for equine health professionals




Exercising ECG

Patented electrodes, scientifically validated, can accurately collect exercise ECG with GPS and locomotion data.



Locomotion quantification

Veterinary tool to help the diagnosis of locomotor asymmetries, developed in partnership with equine locomotion experts (EnvA – CIRALE).


At Arioneo, the reliability and validation of our products are at the core of our concerns. Our goal is to offer the most authentic products possible to our customers. We are proud to be able to bring scientifically validated, medically accurate technology to our veterinary customers.



To meet the needs of professionals and satisfy the requirements of the equine sector, we scientifically validate every breakthrough we make.


We have a unique relationship with each of our partners to leverage the power of data by confronting the numbers to their feelings and experience.


We work in collaboration with our users. Our business model was thought to nourish our development by the experience of our customers who directly benefit from the improvements their feedback helped to build.


Engineers, data scientists, developers, veterinary experts in sports medicine, and researchers contribute every day to the development of the sector and to the improvement of horses’ well being.


Arioneo’s EQUIMETRE has established itself as a partner in horse health and performance. The quality of the measurements is such that they can be used to diagnose cardiac arrhythmia on the basis of the electrocardiogram recorded.

Dr. Emmanuelle van Erck

Veterinary surgeon specialising in internal sports medicine, ESMP

The EQUISYM system has given a new dimension to my orthopaedic visits. Another way of quantifying anomalies for easier longitudinal monitoring. A more palpable approach for the rider, but also an improved global vision of the implications of each limb in the construction of the locomotor defect.

Dr. Mangold

Argonay Equine Clinic

Arioneo sensors are very easy to use. It used to be quite difficult to collect several heart rate readings from the same horse on different exercises, because you had to go to the stable to install the tool, wait, and so on. Thanks to EQUIMETRE, trainers and riders can install the sensor themselves without having to go to the stables.

Cristobal Navas de Solis

Veterinarian specialising in equine research

EQUISYM ensures optimum traceability of the data recorded and the videos of each locomotor examination. It’s a guarantee of efficiency for precise monitoring of sports rehabilitation.

Pr. Chateau

Professor at EnvA


Combining well-being and high performance: how Equisym brings serenity to Pauline Basquin’s work with her horses?

We were lucky enough to interview the professional dressage rider Pauline Basquin about her use of EQUISYM. Find out how new technologies can be perfectly integrated into high-level equestrian practice.

4 reasons to use Equisym during a pre-purchase examination

By using advanced motion sensor technologies such as EQUISYM, the veterinarian is able to take an objective and precise approach to assessing the horse’s physical condition and locomotion, providing essential information to guide purchasing decisions.

Kevin Staut and Marie Madeuf’s experience with EQUISYM

We were lucky enough to interview the professional jumping rider Kevin Staut about his use of EQUISYM. Find out from Dr. Marie Madeuf and Kevin Staut how new technologies can be perfectly integrated into high-level equestrian practice.

Heart murmurs in horse athletes

The cardiovascular system can be compared to a huge orchestra, and the presence of any structural defect can alter the functioning of the system and throw the orchestra out of harmony. A heart murmur is added to the initially audible heartbeat and becomes a false note in the orchestra, requiring the trainer to intervene on several levels.

Overtraining and under-performance: early detection

Overtraining is characterized by an imbalance between training activity and recovery periods, resulting in chronic fatigue and impaired performance. Overtraining can result in under-performance and a loss of results for the horse.

Aerobic capacity: how does it impact racehorses?

Aerobic capacity in a racehorse is described as the usage of oxygen to provide the energy required to sustain the activity. To move, a horse must use a combination of metabolic and biochemical processes to generate energy.

The demand for energy in horses is constant, whether it’s to maintain, perform, or develop muscle. Whatever the effort, the horse needs a transfer of chemical energy to respond to mechanical work. To meet this energy demand, numerous metabolisms are activated, and training can help to strengthen these diverse processes.

Atypical equine myopathy

Myopathy is a muscular disease that affects horses. That is mainly associated with the consumption of certain tree species, especially sycamore maples. When horses graze on pastures where these trees are located, they can ingest toxins that damage muscles and cause muscle failure. Usually fatal, this disease can occur at any time of the year, although it is more common in the fall.

Optimising bone repair

Optimising bone repair is central to limiting the risk of injury. Adequate post-injury rest periods are vital to allow the bone structure to regenerate. What are the time markers for rest phases? What type of protocol is most effective? How can monitoring help detect bone fatigue?

Standardised test of effort in athletes horses

The Standardised test of effort is a tool for checking a horse’s state of fitness by characterising his response to a workload. Like all athletes, horses need to be physically and mentally ready before a major sporting event. That’s why it’s worth incorporating this tool for objectively measuring the horse’s various physiological parameters.

Bones response to loading

Between power and fragility, the horse perfectly embodies the expression “colossus with feet of clay”. Find out in this article how the horse’s bones are subjected to repeated mechanical loads that can have a profound impact on his bone health.