Home 9 Locomotion 9 Poster ICEEP – Exploration of asymmetry thresholds to characterise hindlimb lameness on the circle – EQUISYM

Presentation of the Poster “Exploration of asymmetry thresholds to characterise hindlimb lameness on the circle“, at the ICEEP 2022

We were present at the 11th International Conference on Equine Exercise Physiology hosted in Uppsala, Sweden. EQUISYM, our new locomotion quantification tool developed in partnership with EnvA-CIRALE was also introduced, notably through this poster, presented during the “Biomechanics: Lameness” conference. 

poster iceep 2022

Keywords: quantification of locomotion, hindlimb lameness, locomotor asymmetries, EnvA, CIRALE, ICEEP, equine veterinarian, equine researcher